Roots Reggae singer Colin Lewlyn aka Dubkore is looking forward to a bright new year.  He has big plans for the upcoming year and anticipates great success in 2012. Included in his plans are the official launch of his debut album, Arrogant Man and the staging of a monthly concert series that will feature him and his band as well as other artists.

“I am looking forward to 2012 with great anticipation; I expect it to be a great year musically and otherwise not just for myself but for others as well. The world and everything about it is changing so rapidly and people all over the world need something to keep their minds steady and reggae music is the right medicine to uplift their minds, that’s why I am going to launch my album in 2012, although it was released a while back, I really feel next year will be the right time to push it,” said the artist.

Realizing the difficulty in getting exposure for his type of music on radio in Jamaica, Dubkore like so many other Roots Reggae acts has been performing a lot on the live show scene in order to promote his music. Over the last two years he has done quite a number of performances in Negril, Kingston, Spanish Town and Portmore as well as other parts of the island.

“Roots music does not get the kind of support certain other forms of music get on radio in Jamaica; the main way to promote it is through live performances, so I have been doing a lot of performances across the country. For the last couple of months or so my band and I have been a part of the Conscious Reggae Party series that has been going on in Kingston and it has brought us a great deal of exposure. “

Dubkore also said that he plans to release a number of new singles in 2012 in order to build his fan base locally.

“Apart from the launching on my album and the production of the concert series, I will be doing a lot of other things to promote my music. I also plan to release more singles next year, because we have been recording lots of new songs over the past six months or so. The fans can definitely look out for a lot of new music from Dubkore in 2012,” said the artist.
