The Peace and Love Academic Scholarship (PALAS) program is a non-profit organization intended to defray the costs of schooling for talented Caribbean students who are about to enter or currently enrolled in high school or University/College in the Caribbean region. The Scholarship fund provides financial support toward selected students’ tuition, books, fees & /or other related costs. Our motto is “Preserving Young Minds for Posterity”. The picture below shows some of the thirteen (13) scholarship winners in 2011. Our goal is to award fifty (50) scholarships in 2012.
All the funds generated for PALAS are donated by listeners, sponsors and supporters of the popular internet radio show the “Peace and Love Vibration Show” (PALVS) (**more details about the show below). The Scholarship does not, and is not intended to cover the full cost for one’s high school or University education, but rather is intended to supplement educational costs. Any donated funds will be paid directly to the parent/guardian of the students or directly to the school where possible.
Since there is no overhead cost, ninety-nine percent (98%) of the funds donated are paid out to the scholarship fund, an additional small portion (~2%) may be used to defray costs such as fees, printing, paper, ink, certificates, etc. We aim to provide full transparency and accountability.
The amount of scholarship funds awarded to each student depends on total contributions received and the number of scholarships awarded.
Though it is not mandatory, it is encouraged that students’ progress report be submitted to the organizers of PALAS, which may help that student if another scholarship offer was to be offered in subsequent school year. For current holders of SSSJamz/Vanessa Campbell/PALAS Scholarships, it is not necessary to submit an application in subsequent years after you’ve been awarded a scholarship. However, it is MANDATORY that you submit to PALAS all grade report for the school year, and you MUST maintain at least B average, 3.0 or 80% (A=4.0) . NOTE: There are no options to these requirements.
To be eligible for the PALAS Scholarship a student must:
Reside and attend high school/college/University in the Caribbean region.
Be currently enrolled in high school/college/University, or the respective country’s equivalent of high school (e.g. first through sixth form in Jamaica).
Have passed his or her Common Entrance or GCE/CSEC/SAT/PSAT Exams, where applicable.
Write an essay 200-500 words stating why (s)he should be selected for this program. Winners of the various scholarships will be selected by a small team affiliated with PALAS in the USA. The selections will be made without any regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, or physical disability. More weighting will be given to a student whose needs are financially challenged.
Maintain at least a B average (80%) or an equivalency to your school system.
One (1) Gold Star Scholarship winner will be selected as the top candidate. The student should exemplify outstanding academic/community/essay and the overall presentation of the application package to the PALAS committee. The winner will receive a laptop computer for this accomplishment along with the financial awards.
NOTE: A student will be automatically excluded from receiving a PALAS scholarship in the future once offered, if it is found that ANY of the funds is used for a parent’s/guardian’s personal use and not for the intended purpose. Parent or Guardian must supply an approved receipt from the bank or school to show that the money was paid for the child schooling and a copy of the students’ grade report MUST also be submitted to The PALAS organizers after completing the school year for record tracking purposes, sent via email to HYPERLINK “” or mail to Peace and Love Academic Scholarship or (PALAS), P.O. Box 5461, Alpharetta, GA 30023-5461 USA.
February 15, 2012 – Applications available ONLINE to prospective candidates.
April 15, 2012 – Students submit application to organizers at PALAS. Application form may be downloaded at HYPERLINK “” by clicking on the tab/link Requirements/Application. Download, fill out and return with essay to HYPERLINK “” or US mail to Peace and Love Academic Scholarship or PALAS, P.O. Box 5461, Alpharetta, GA 30023-5461, USA.
May 1, 2012 – Applications closed. Please Note: No extension will be granted.
June 15, 2012 – Evaluations and selection process completed by PALAS Committee.
June 30, 2012 – All students contacted about the results via email.
Award Ceremony ~ To be announced (Check website
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at:
Peace and Love Academic Scholarship or PALAS
P.O. Box 5461
Alpharetta, GA 30023-5461
Website: HYPERLINK “”
Tele : (770) 715-0224
The PALAS program was created after the brutal killing in Portmore, Jamaica of talented eighteen (18) year old Bridgeport High School student, Vanessa Campbell. After which internet radio host, Rula Brown appealed to his listeners for help in supporting/funding a scholarship program in her honor.
Rula Brown hosts a widely popular internet radio/TV program call the “Peace and Love Vibration Show” (PALVS) on various networks. The popularity of the show spawned a dialog to create a segment called “Sultry Sunday Slow Jamz” (SSSJamz) that plays soul/RnB music from 60’s to 80’s. Patricia Diedrick, Ruel Lowe & Patrick “Tony” Smith encouraged and embraced the idea, and the subsequent launch of the program began Sunday, November 14, 2010 to a growing audience.
1) 2011 PALAS Scholarship Winner, RaeChelle-Faith Hamilton makes appeal for support
2) Jamaican Actor Paul Campbell, discusses/appeals for support to the PALAS program
Committee: Donovan Folkes, Jannice O’Shea, Milton Galloway, Patrick Smith, Ray Campbell, Ruel Lowe, Rula Brown
“Preserving Young Minds for Posterity”
© 2010-11 Peace and Love Academic Scholarship (PALAS). All Rights Reserved. HYPERLINK “”
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This is a great project, nice to read it.