Welcome once again to my ramblings, today it is on the political front, at home and abroad…Last night I took the time off to listen to the debate between Jamaican prime minister Andrew Holness and Opposition leader Portia Simpson-Miller, I guess I was expecting too much, because I came away feeling empty! it was such a boring debate, no sparks, no tantrums, no controversies, no nothing, just so-so dry so…Holness was holding back not wanting to offend the lady, while Simpson was showing she can be an intellectual – no “draw out me tongue” drama. I believe Deon Jackson asked the most provocative questions of all the journalists…Portia indicated she would have no problem in appointing a homosexual to her cabinet, while Holness says he would go by the will of the people in making that decision, and Portia says she will re-examine the buggery law, still, I don’t believe this debate changes anybody’s mind as to which party they are gonna vote for…very disappointing indeed!

Meanwhile, the Congress has packed it bags and gone home for the holiday – leaving the taxes to go up on over 160 million Americans! I do hope Americans are paying attention to this crap…and they will know what to do come November 2012 – Vote out the Republicans! These guys are very heartless, they don’t give a rat’s shit about poor people and the middle class..the Republicans are determined to make Barack Obama fail as president, and if it means wrecking the country, they are willing to do it….in the meantime, Obama’s poll numbers are climbing, people are finally opening their eyes to see who the culprits really are – the Republicans!





