9-year-old gives birth to a baby boy

In northeast China,  Sunday, March 11, 2011, a 9-year-old girl gave birth to a healthy 6-pound baby boy. The identity of the father has not yet been released, although the police have reportedly been contacted.

According to news.com.au in Australia, the baby was delivered by cesarean section at a Changchun hospital, and both the mom and newborn are doing well.

The Pregnancy Pact: Talking about teen pregnancy

Sadly, she is not the youngest girl to deliver a baby, according to other published reports. Two girls in Peru, ages 5 and 8, are both on record as giving birth to children of their own. (See a list at Wikipedia of the youngest birth mothers here.)

How young is too young to be a mom? What do you think this newborn’s life will be like given this kind of beginning?

More about young moms and teen pregnancy:

Talking to a pre-teen about sex
Time to have the sex talk with your teen Expert tips for talking to your daughter about sex Child raising toughest on young grandmothers
Tips for pregnant teens
I’m pregnant at age 16 – how can I be sure the baby and I both stay healthy?
