Arrest warrant issued for Michael Misick

Monday, March 19, 2012 


AN arrest warrant has been obtained and a Red Notice authorised by Interpol for the arrest of Michael Eugene Misick, former premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

A Red Notice requests the (provisional) arrest of wanted persons, with a view to extradition.

“For the past several months the Special Investigation and Prosecutions Team (SIPT) has sought to secure the attendance of Mr Misick at its offices in Providenciales in respect of allegations of corruption and money laundering during his time in office,” said a release from the governor’s office in Grand Turk today.

“Every opportunity has been given to Mr Misick to voluntarily surrender to the SIPT’s jurisdiction for interview,” it said, adding that despite previous indications from Misick’s solicitors that he would attend for interview, he has failed to do so.

Last year a worldwide freeze Misick’s assets was ordered by Special Prosecutor Helen Garlick, the Turks and Caiços Sun newspaper reported.

Quoting documents it obtained, the Sun said the order was made on June 23 and included bank accounts held in the Turks and Caiços Islands and overseas, Misick’s personal residence in Providenciales, parcels of land throughout the country, two condominiums, a cinema in Providenciales which still carries a variation of his ex-wife Lisa-Raye McCoy’s name, and several credit cards.

Misick, who has been at the centre of a corruption probe into the ruling elite on the British dependency, resigned in March 2009, saying he was giving way to a unified Government.

His resignation came as the British government was considering legislation to suspend the constitution and hand over power to the British Governor Gordon Wetherell.

London eventually imposed direct rule on the islands in August 2009, a move that angered Misick who accused the British of organising a coup.

