Gareth Fuller, PA Photos—-

If the Purple One is feeling a bit blue this weekend, it might be because he’s about to fork over some serious green. According to the Hollywood Reporter, a judge in New York has ordered Prince to pay $3.95 million to Revelations Perfume and Cosmetics, a company whose products he’s charged with failing to properly promote.

In a lawsuit initiated in 2008, Revelations’ bosses claim to have spent millions of dollars on a line of perfume inspired by Prince’s 2006 album 3121. The pop superstar was supposed to plug the scents via media interviews and in-store appearances, but the plaintiffs say the famously elusive musician never followed through on his end of the deal.

“Since July 2007, despite repeated attempts by Revelations, there have been virtually no communications from anyone who could commit to or coordinate any promotional efforts by Prince,” the suit read.

Prince argued that he informed the company in December 2006 that he would not do interviews for the fragrances, but the court found that the singer “continued to send mixed messages” for some time, at one point indicating he would appear on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show. That appearance never happened, and what’s more, Prince refused to pass out perfume samples at his concerts.

While the ruling will cost Prince some big money, it could have been worse. The judge ruled that since there was no evidence of “malicious intent,” Revelations is not entitled to punitive damages.
