LEGENDARY singer Dobby Dobson will be the featured guest artist

at the annual Purple Masters fund-raising musical event tomorrow.
Purple Masters is being put on by the Kingston College Old Boys Association and will be held at The Experience, 7 Merrick Avenue in St Andrew
Apart from Dobson, the event, which seeks to raise money for the development of Kingston College, will feature music selectors Roderick Howell, Charlie Grant, Conrod Senior, Bunny Goodison, Roy Black, Merritone, and Mikey Thompson, among others.
Dobson’s career began while he was attending Central Branch School in Kingston, and it strengthened when he entered Kingston College, where he released his first song Cry a Little Cry, which he recorded with friends Howard Barrett, Fuzzy Byfield and Dennis Gayle.
He pursued a solo career in the 1960s, recording a string of hits such as Loving Pauper, Trouble Jim, Seems to me I’m Losing, Ride Mi Donkey, Wonderful Sound, Endlessly, Strange, What Love has joined together, Sweet Dreams, Muriel, and Oh Donna.
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