By Janice Budd—-
- L-R: Fae Ellington, Dorraine Samuels-Binger, Tony Patel, Ruth Ho Shing, and Pat Lazarus
FIVE familiar faces and voices that have graced Jamaican television and radio, representing some 150 years of excellent service to broadcast media, have been recognised by the local journalistic fraternity.
Tony Patel, Pat Lazarus, Fae Ellington, Dorraine Samuels-Binger and Ruth Ho Shing, regarded as standard-bearers and iconic trailblazers in their roles as news anchors, were the special guests at the 2012 Press Association of Jamaica Veterans’ Luncheon held yesterday at the J Wray & Nephew Spanish Town Road headquarters.
The PAJ executive noted that “for many students of journalism, the clarity of diction, authority of presentation and voices that are easy on the ear are synonymous with these presenters”.
Tony Patel, one of the longest-serving news anchors in local media, was first employed to the Jamaica Information Service (Television) in September 1965. His journey has taken him through the Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation (JBC) and KLAS over more than 40 years in the business.
Pat Lazarus began her career in television at JBC in 1963, shortly after the introduction of television to Jamaica. She trained on the job in the context of live broadcast, decades before the relative ease of video and edited broadcasts.
She moved into television in 1964 and quickly developed a reputation for her clarity of delivery of the evening news, her ability to deliver the news with minimal reference to the script, and her proficiency in conducting live impromptu interviews.
Fae Ellington entered major media in 1975 as a producer/presenter. She has one of the most recognisable voices in local media. She has been anchor, host, announcer, interviewer, lecturer and trainer — serving in almost every possible capacity in broadcast media over a very distinguished career.
Dorraine Samuels-Binger was encouraged to enter the media profession in 1980 after her natural talent of announcing grabbed the attention of media managers. Within months of her taking on the challenge and receiving in-house training, she entered the broadcasting world in 1981at Radio Jamaica Limited (RJR).
This is the second time that the PAJ will recognise Samuels-Binger, as in 2005, she received an award for her outstanding contribution to the development of the Jamaican media.
Ruth Ho Shing began her involvement in broadcasting more than 20 years ago when she joined the JBC as a television production assistant on a wide range of locally produced religious, discussion, drama and live-entertainment programmes. She later became a prime time news anchor while honing a serious career as an actress.
Also recognised for its service to, and support of the local media over the years, was Calabar High School. Former and present students received a special PAJ citation at the veterans’ luncheon.
Those on hand to accept included Reverend Karl Henlin, chairman of the Calabar Centenary committee; Claude Robinson, chair of the media sub-committee; Dr Simon Clarke, former educator and media manager and practitioner; Russell Thompson, executive director of the Centenary committee; classroom teacher Sharon Waite; deputy head boy Russell Barrett; and Craig Thomas, the school’s top CAPE performer from the lower sixth form. Calabar Alumnus and PAJ veteran Ewart Walter delivered a short thank you on
behalf of the school.
The veterans’ luncheon was held as part of the PAJ’s celebration of National Journalism Week, which culminates with the Annual National Journalism Awards ceremony tomorrow night.
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