The Wild Hare is located 2610 N. Halsted Chicago. | Tom Cruze~Sun-TimesThe Wild Hare is located at 2610 N. Halsted in Chicago.—-

Politically active Chicago Bishop Larry Trotter appealed to his congregation and to Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Sunday to let an iconic reggae music club, the Wild Hare, obtain a live-music license so it can continue to operate.

Trotter hosted three of the four owners at his Sweet Holy Spirit Church on the South Side to condemn what they claim is racial stereotyping by the club’s neighbors in the North Side’s Wrightwood community.

Mayor Of Chicago Rahm Emanuel

Trotter said he took up the cause after members of his congregation told him about their concern for a favorite entertainment spot, which has been operating as a restaurant without live music for the past five months.

The dispute is in Chancery Court, where the owners said the earliest they could argue their case is June. They said the club cannot stay in business that long by existing only on revenue from food and liquor.

Bishop Larry Trotter

Trotter revealed a letter he delivered Friday to Emanuel, saying the live-music license denials are based on “something other than safety, community welfare and the law,” and that was a situation that the mayor’s office should not tolerate.

The mayor’s office did not respond on Sunday.
