By Christian Lacoste —-
The tracks included here were recorded between 1975 and 1986. Many make their debute on CD, such as JAILHOUSE (Joseph Hoo Kim, 1975), CAT-O-NINE (Joseph Hoo Kim, 1976), KEEP ON MOVING (Joe Gibbs, 1977), LET JAH SUN SHINE (Bunny Diamond, 1978), PARTY TIME (Joe Gibbs & Errol Thompson, 1981), LET THE DOLLAR CIRCULATE (Ossie Hibbert, 1981) and THE LAST DANCE (Junior Boothe, 1982). It will also offer hard-to-find tracks such as TAMARIND FARM (Radcliffe Bryan, 1979), GATES OF ZION (Dubmasta, 1980) (a track that surfaced for the first time on CD in June, on a VP compilation), PRAY TO THEE (Bunny Diamond, 1985 – A song recorded in 1981 but that only surfaced officially in 1985) and MR CHIN SLIPPERS (Bunny Diamond, 1986).
The song JAH WILL WORK IT OUT (Joseph Hoo Kim, 1976) finally appear with a clear sound (compare to the poor sounding quality on the HitBound CD release). The five dubplates should be something that might have been circulating among a handful of collectors and might end up being true gems. The third disc seems to be a DVD that contains five live songs.

This review was written a month before the release of the compilation, so it will need to be adjusted. For instance, the song STRUGGLE is most likely the 1978 recording produced by Bunny Diamond issued on Bad Gong. This track may or may not be identical to the one featured on ‘Planet Earth’ (Virgin, 1978).
I recently noticed that the song HEADS OF GOVERNMENT received a remastered treatment for Penthouse 2012 compilation ‘5 Decades of Jamaican’s Musical Heritage’, so it may well be that version that is featured here. Maybe the song BROTHER MAN (Bunny Diamond & Donovan Germain, 1983) has a different editing than the one included on the 1996 compilation ‘Head Of Government’. Let’s hop that VP will eventually release remastered versions of ‘Stand Up To Your Judgement’ and ‘Tell Me What’s Wrong’. For more information on The Mighty Diamonds, you can visit the webpage I created by making a search in Google with Soulrebels and The Mighty Diamonds.
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