On Saturday August 17th 2013 in celebration of the 126th anniversary of the birth of our founder, the UNIA is proud to host the fIfth annual Marcus Garvey Awards dinner and ceremony, honoring ordinary Jamaicans who are accomplishing extra ordinary things. Join us at 7pm on the East Lawns of Devon House in honor of our first national, and 99 years since the founding of our great confraternity, as we recognize Jamaicans who have given unselfishly to improve the lives of their fellow countrymen.
From agriculture and education to business and the arts, Garvey intended an African empire that would meet the challenges of the world industrially and socially, while lending its protection to Africa’s sons and daughters at home and abroad.
On August 17th in 1887, Jamaica’s first national hero was born. Marcus Mosiah Garvey would later emerge on the world stage as the founder of the largest pan-African mass movement ever.
The Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) was founded in the city of Kingston in 1914 and became the platform from which Garvey commanded the attention of the world. The confraternity launched a plethora of programs and ventures designed to inspire the race toward self-reliance and nationhood.
All Proceeds to Charity
We invite you and your company to help bring change by supporting the social intervention programs established by the UNIA including literacy classes, African martial arts training, and a free music school. These programs are conducted at the organization’s Garvey House located in the West Kingston community where Marcus Garvey lived and first established the UNIA. Our other community outreach activities include:
GARVEY HOUSE Kingston Restoration Project- Refurbishing UNIA HQ in downtown;
UNIA MUSIC & LITERACY PROGRAM Free reading and music lessons downtown;
GARVEYISM REHABILITATION OUTREACH (GRO) – educational prison program;
UNIA MCPHERSON HALFWAY HOME – training house for young at-risk black men;
Your kind support is greatly appreciated as we work together for a better Jamaica.
“He Created of One Blood, All Nations of Men to dwell on the face of the Earth.”
LOCATION: The East Lawns, Devon House
DATE: Saturday 17th August, 2013 (Marcus Garvey’s Birthday) DRESS: Formal.
AWARD CEREMONY: 8pm PERFORMERS: The Jolly Boys, Romain Virgo, Ken Boothe, Kelissa and others
AFRICAN CUISINE MENU: Gambia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania
SPECIAL GUESTS: Private Sector, Government Agencies, African Ambassadors, EntertainersTICKETS/COSTS:
$5000 Single. $8000 Couples
AWARDS: Agriculture, Arts, Business, Education, Governance, Industry, Journalism, Music, Social Service, Trade and Lifetime Achievement
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