Ti­tled Eek-Ol­ogy: Reg­gae An­thol­ogy, the dou­ble com­pact disc/DVD pack­age will be re­leased on No­vem­ber 5.

Eek-A-Mouse in­spired the sing­jay style. (PHOTO: IREGGAENATION.​COM

It in­cludes hit songs like 1980′s Vir­gin Girl, and Ganja Smug­gling. The lat­ter is a sig­na­ture for weed lovers in Eu­rope and the United States west coast.

Both songs were pro­duced by Henry ‘Junjo’ Lawes for the Vol­cano label, the hottest record im­print in Ja­maica dur­ing the early 1980s.

They high­lighted Eek-A-Mouse’s unique singing/dee­jay de­liv­ery that led to the sing­jay pat­tern.

‘Eek-Ol­ogy’ also con­tains songs recorded for other lead­ing pro­duc­ers, such as Once a Vir­gin for Joe Gibbs and Mod­el­ling Be­hav­ior which was pro­duced by Lin­val Thomp­son, Lawes’ men­tor.

There are four songs from a ses­sion Eek-A-Mouse did with re­spected British disc jockey John Peel at the British Broad­cast­ing Cor­po­ra­tion in 1983.

Those songs — Wa-Do-Dem, Hitler, As­sas­si­na­tor and For Hire And Re­moval — have never been re­leased on CD.


The DVD cap­tures Eek-A-Mouse at Reg­gae Sun­splash 1982 at Jar­rett Park, Mon­tego Bay.

Eek-A-Mouse (given name Rip­ton Joseph Hyl­ton) did not have an­other chart-top­per in Ja­maica after Vir­gin Girl, but de­vel­oped a large fol­low­ing in Eu­rope, the US and Latin Amer­ica through re­lent­less tour­ing.

The 17 North Pa­rade se­ries has proved pop­u­lar with fans of roots-reg­gae and early dance­hall music. Cul­ture, the Mighty Di­a­monds and Gre­gory Isaacs some of its fea­tured acts.

