The Gleaner will, on January 2, 2014, introduce a subscription system, which will invite online users to register and pay for unlimited access to The Gleaner’s flagship website www.jamaica-gleaner.com.
“The Gleaner has a commitment to the public to invest in and produce the best-quality journalism in Jamaica that people can rely on to make life-changing decisions,” explained Managing Director Christopher Barnes.
“With the way the global media model is evolving and the current state of the Jamaican economy, we have found it necessary to tap into new revenue potential to further support this undertaking,” added Barnes
The Gleaner will utilise the metered model, which will allow non-subscribers to access a predetermined number of articles – 15 initially – per 30-day period before requiring users to subscribe.
This model is used by one-third of all newspapers in the United States, including the New York Times and Washington Post, and major newspapers in Canada, with the Globe and Mail and The Montreal Gazette.
The Telegraph is an example from the United Kingdom.
With The Gleaner‘s model, Latest News updates, as well as the Photo Galleries, Cartoons, Videos, and Puzzles will not count towards the monthly limit.
Non-subscribers will continue to enjoy this service.
Seven-day print subscribers and subscribers to The Gleaner’s ePaperwill be able to access the website at no additional cost, while 5-day print subscribers, after an introductory trial period, will be encouraged to upgrade their print subscription packages to benefit from the unlimited access.
“Our aim is to encourage our online community to invest in our journalists and the news content that they have come to trust over the past 179 years,” Terri-Karelle Reid, Gleaner Online brand manager, explained.
“The more persons that elect to subscribe, the more resource we can invest in improving content quality and pursuing exciting innovations in our field for the ultimate benefit of our near one million unique visitors each month,” added Barnes.
The Gleaner‘s other digital products and mobile news apps will remain free for now.
Consumers are encouraged to visit The Gleaner’s frequently asked questions page (www.jamaica-gleaner.com/subscription/faq.html ) to familiarise themselves with these changes, and if they have any questions, contact The Gleaner at 932-6262/6174 or send email tofeedback@jamaica-gleaner.com.
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