Cabinet approves bill to decriminalise possession of small amounts of ganja Justice Minister Mark Golding says the Cabinet has approved a bill to decriminalise the possession of small amounts of ganja.

The bill was brought to the Cabinet on Monday.

It proposes to erase the records of people convicted for possession of ganja weighing two ounces or less, and those, who may, in the future be held with a similar quantity of the weed.

Mark Golding
Mark Golding

Senator Golding says drafting instructions have now been issued to the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel.

Under the proposed changes it will become a ticketable infraction that will attract a fine which offenders can pay outside the court system.

Last week, Golding tabled an amendment in the Senate to remove as offences the smoking of marijuana, the possession of pipes and other items used in connection with the smoking of ganja.

The medical fraternity says the changes to the Dangerous Drugs Act will encourage more Jamaicans to smoke and result in negative repercussions for the country.
