THE six-hour Spirit of Reggae tour, which is a part of the Jamaica Urban Transit Company’s (JUTC) Kingston City Tour, was viewed by those who went on it as a great experience and worth the time.
“I wasn’t expecting it (the tour) to have so many parts of his life, where he grew up; where it originally started … it was an incredible tour, I’d definitely recommend it”, said English visitor Rhaea Russell-Cartwright.
Russell-Cartwright echoed the sentiments of almost of the people who took the tour which saw patrons visiting the Bob Marley Museum located at Hope Road, Trench Town Culture Yard in Trench Town and Tuff Gong Records on Marcus Garvey Drive.

The only downside for most persons was that there was no food stop during the tour, save for the complimentary snacks and bottled water provided by the JUTC, which is a part of the tour package.
“It was a good tour, the only problem was the availability of food, if they don’t have that, when you make your reservation they need to say to you, bring food because you can’t be on the road so much hours with nothing to eat, especially if you brought children”, said Theresa Brown.
However, JUTC representatives on hand at the time assured patrons that they are working something out so that, for future tours, patrons will not have to wait the six hours before getting something to eat.
Yet another concern for one patron, Dwight Blake, was the limited amount of drinking water that people had access to while on tour as, according to him, the time was hot and so more water was needed on hand. He said that apart from that, and the length of time he had to wait for food, the tour was good, as the driver also called the coach captain, Orrett James did a good job on the road and the tour guides were friendly.
“I had a lot of fun, it didn’t have any downsides to it, my favorite part was the Trench Town part, because seeing the museum and the trench part of it as well, you actually saw the hardships he was coming from and you got to see the motivational side of himself (Marley), so I really liked it, it was really good”, said patron Wade Campbell.
–By Javene Skyers
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