The internationally renown Boston Jerk Center in Portland has been closed by a team from the Ministry of Health, The STAR understands.

The Gleaner Online reports that the world famous site was closed due to poor sanitation and preparation of meat which was not approved for human consumption, among other things.

“It cannot be that lovers of jerk pork must be subjected to some of the most unhealthy surroundings at a place that is internationally recognized. For far too long jerk men have been providing food to patrons with dirty finger nails,” Derron Wood, who is seeking to represent the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) in Eastern Portland told The Gleaner.

The Gleaner  reports that a health ministry official confirmed that the jerk men were warned about the pending closure during a visit to the Boston Jerk Center earlier this week.

However, the official said they made no attempts to improve their working conditions.

One of the major problems cited by the ministry official, was that pigs were being slaughtered and prepared for human consumption without being inspected and approved by a public health inspector.



