Jamaica is known for its creative artists. While we are no Hollywood, we have some of the best actors and film-makers who have expertly captured some true Jamaican experiences on screen.

Here is our list of the top 5 Jamaican films:

Harder They Come– This is a classic. The soundtrack and the lead actor Jimmy Cliff did a lot to cement this movie in the hearts of many people. Plus the theme of poverty that the film explores is one that many Jamaicans can identify with.


Dancehall Queen– Who can forget Marcia, Junior, Tanya and Priest? Wait…who can forget the famous quote, “walk and live, talk and #%**&^^ dead”? This film is definitely one of the people’s favorites and will forever be etched in the minds of Jamaicans, yard and abroad.


Third World Cop– We could not have a list and not include the movie with Jamaica’s favorite cop, Capone. This story is a true reflection of some of the harsh realities of inner-city communities in Jamaica.


Shottas- Again, this is another favourite starring some of Jamaica’s best talents. We didn’t mind seeing a group of men defending and looking out for each other. This one tells a story of friendship, betrayal but most of all determination to rise above challenges.



Destiny– This love story truly positions Jamaica as an ideal film destination. Unlike the films mentioned earlier which portray harsh realities in Jamaica, Destiny shows the beauty of Jamaica and depicts typical Jamaican characters that are often seen and admired everyday. Many of our local stars who appeared in this movie certainly delivered, adding color and a whole heap of vibrance. Truly destiny will be one of our favorites for a long while.

