By Andre Williams—
With crime and violence, particularly murders gripping the Corporate Area, one might expect a business boom for funeral homes.
However it’s quite the contrary according to some directors.
Information reaching THE STAR is that murders are wrecking the funeral business as undertakers are running from the bodies of gangsters. Plus the upsurge in violence is keeping those with legitimate business at bay.
During a visit on Charles Street recently our news team met with a few operators who told THE STAR of some of the realities that exist in the business of creating the final journey and resting place for the dead.
An operator of Peaches Funeral Home, told THE STAR, “I don’t go after those type of dead. I don’t want dem but if they come I try to do it. I don’t like the murder cases. Dem want the hypest of funeral and they can’t pay. I rather bury Christian people, old people who sick and die, or children.’
Police calling
She told THE STAR, “Some of dem people don’t have any manners. Dem want to tell pastor when to open casket and disrupt proceedings. Not because we in the business of dealing with dead (does it mean) we like the murders taking place across these communities.”
She said she has been in the business for six years, said there is no telling what will happen at the burial site of a gangster.
“Police calling you to find out when and what time is funeral, police escort, it can be so scary,” she said.

The operators of McDonald Funeral Home told THE STAR that the business is not like it used to be.
Marlon McDonald said, “We not getting any business, too much crime. There is also the case of overpopulation of funeral homes.”
Our news team also met with the operator of Braithwaite Funeral Home.
She told THE STAR, “Crime and murders are driving people away from coming to the area to do business. They don’t want to come and get caught up in what is happening. Sometimes we have to go and meet them elsewhere.”
An operator said, “Some of dem a water down the business and a mislead the people for the dead because dem want the business. At least $350,000 for a decent funeral to cover all the necessary cost. Dem a take $250,000 cause di bad man dem nuh have no money and something get left off, either grave no pay for or church, and is bare confusion.”
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