If yuh ask a question, ‘are the Chinese taking over Jamaica?’ I would say Yes! Yes! And more Yes!
I believe that a lot of Chinese are here in Jamaica and this nuh have nut’n to do with our motto, ‘Out Of Many One’. Jamaica is slowly becoming the People’s Republic of Chimaica. We soon nah’ve nut’n to we name. For an event such as our independence (celebration), which filled so many of us with joy and pride, you want to tell us that we couldn’t find the money to buy fireworks, eh? This a our celebrations enuh.
Look pon even Gordon House, the seat of the nation’s parliament, that will be relocated to Heroes Circle. It is the Chinese who will be designing it.
This is not Chang House, Lee House nor the Chinese Benevolent Society we a talk bout enuh. This is almost like Jamaica House, a Jamaicans fe work pon it. I believe opposition Member of Parliament Peter Bunting raised a solid issue when he suggested that the ‘Chinese Take Over’ is akin to “a form of economic colonialism”.
Managing Director of National Road Operating and Constructing Company Ivan Anderson (left) and speaking with China Harbour’s Xutao Chen
But, this is what I don’t like with politicians. I remember when Minister Bunting was a member of the Portia Simpson-Miller led govament, the then PM stated words to the effect of, “don’t bash the Chinese,” arguing that “criticism could deter investors”.

Me a wonder though, how is it that Bunting, a former national security minister, is only now raising the concern about Chinese criminals being sent to Jamaica for work? It seem like seh because Bunting’s party is in opposition, the Chinese annuh just investors again.
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