When Norwegian scientists discover how to shrink humans to five inches tall as a viable solution to overpopulation. Paul Safranek (Matt Damon) and wife Audrey (Kristen Wiig) quickly opt to abandon their stressful lives to get small and move to a new downsized community. Despite the euphoric lifestyle promised in a miniaturized world, wife – Audrey becomes intimidated by the irreversible process and decides to backdown. This decision triggers a wave of life-changing adventures, as Paul maneuvers being the size of an action figure.

‘Downsizing’ is released by Paramount Pictures. Multi Academy Award winner Alexander Payne directs and writes the film with Academy Award winner Jim Taylor. The film features an all-star lineup with Academy Award winners Matt Damon and Christoph Waltz and Academy Award nominee Kristen Wigg in leading roles. The film features Jamaican born actor Damian Garth Brown who is passionate about theater and is known for his performances in ‘Doggy Daycare: The Movie’ (2015), ‘Kim’s Convenience’ (2016) and several highly acclaimed productions in Canada. He is a York University graduate with a bachelor of arts degree in political science/theater arts. He has also received a certificate in The Principles and Practice of Social Work from the University of the West Indies. Home in Jamaica is still precious for Brown who spent the recent Christmas holidays here with family. Oxtail, one of his favorites made the trip worthwhile
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