Observer writer—

MARION Hall has added some dancehall flavour to her sophomore gospel album, His Grace , which becomes available for pre-order tomorrow.
“After listening to it, I realised I needed something like dancehall on it. I looked to God for help and came up with a song called Tun Back Christian. A lot of people are in the church but don’t know how to be content, and end up walking away from God. A lot of church folks, instead of encouraging them [they] chastise them, which doesn’t help the situation. The verses on it can sing along to, and I include a sinner’s prayer in there so you can ask God fi wash yuh off in His righteousness. There’s also Mighty God… I think the wait will be worth it,” Hall told Jamaica Observer. “Those two are for the Lady Saw fans.”
The 17-track His Grace is self-produced on the Minister Marion Hall label. The official release date is set for July 20.
In addition to the title track, the set boasts I’m Gonna Fast, Overflow, Gave It All Up For Jesus, Walk On Water, All That’s Left, Dead Man Walking, Love Like This, The World Can See, My God Is Alive, That Cross, You Are, Pay You Back, Lord We Need You, and Can’t Stop My Praise.
“Out of the 17 tracks, I’m predicting 15 hits. It’s a praise and worship album with dancehall, mento — God give mi country gospel too. I’m just excited to have another album out soon. I’m not even going to get ahead of myself but I know this album has the potential to get a Grammy — it’s something else. Whatever God decides to do with it, He will. When I put out When God Speaks, God was talking to me; it’s the same with this album. It’s all about giving God the glory. It’s a powerful, mighty album, so if it’s His will, it will be done,” she said.

Hall, formerly known as Lady Saw, is the first female deejay to win a Grammy Award and to be certified as a triple-platinum artiste. She, however, got baptised in December 2015.
Her debut gospel album, When God Speaks, peaked at number four on the Billboard Reggae Albums chart last year.
The gospel artiste says she is planning to embark on a three-year ‘Soul Seekers Kingdom’ tour across the United States starting in early August. Through her relationships with other ministries, she has landed gigs in Canada and Bermuda.
She is also booked for Jamaica Fun in the Son at National Heroes’ Park in Kingston next Saturday.
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