Dear Editor,—
I recently advertised for two job openings in the newspapers and received close to 200 applications.
In processing the applications, I experienced a slew of emotions. Initially it was funny; then I became concerned and saddened. Now I’m at a place of pity and anger.
It’s not the fault of those helpless applicants who are desperate for jobs. It has to be a failure on the part of the education system where 80 per cent of applicants including university graduates are unable to write a half-decent resume.
If students are being prepared for the work force, at least the first logical step would be to help them to produce a good first impression via their resume.
What is expected of an employer when the highlight of the resume is the prizes received at basic school or the work experience being four years taking care of someone at home? Needless to speak of the poor grammar, Dr Semaj’s program alone can’t do it.

This is a responsibility of the Ministry of Education and they have to be held accountable to deliver on same. PEP with all its difficulties now is in a phase of ironing out the kinks to a reformed education system. Let us hope this is woven into the fabric.
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