Winston “Boyo” Hammond, older brother of Beres Hammond and father of singer Lenn Hammond, died on October 9 in Toronto, Canada from cancer. He was 73 years-old.
According to a statement from his family, Hammond was the fifth of 10 children born in Annotto Bay, St Mary. Like his famous sibling, he was a singer, influenced by American soul legends, including Sam Cooke and Otis Redding; he started his career during the 1960’s in Jamaica’s north coast hotels.
Boyo Hammond, who was also a graphic artist, recently completed Winner, an album that will be distributed by VP Records. Beres Hammond’s latest album, Never Ending, was released by that company this month.
Winston “Boyo” Hammond is survived by Barbara, his wife of 50 years, and four children as well as brothers and sisters. The thanksgiving service for his life takes place on October 19 at Andrews Community Funeral Center in Brompton, Ontario.
—By Howard Campbell
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