By Shereita Grizzle–

Vybz KarteL—
I ncarcerated deejay Vybz Kartel and his business associates have fallen prey to scammers.
According to Sikka Rhymes, Kartel’s protege and business partner, unscrupulous persons have created a new Facebook page called ‘Vybz Kartel’, which they are using to swindle persons out of their money.
He wants people to know the page is not associated with the deejay or any of his team members, and is asking persons to desist from sending money to the administrator of that page.
Sikka Rhymes told THE STAR that with Kartel being incarcerated, the deejay cannot provide dubs, which is one of the ways the administrator of the fake page is scamming people out of cash.

“We are asking DJs/selectors to do their homework before sending their money to these people. Vybz Kartel is incarcerated and is not doing dub programs. Furthermore, only a few persons can do business on behalf of Vybz Kartel, myself included,” said Rhymes, who has been working assiduously to reunite former Gaza members in Kartel’s absence. “You have been warned. Also please note that Vybz Kartel’s page is called Adidja Azim Palmer.”
The deejay added that Vybz Kartel’s official Facebook page carries a blue verification badge validating its authenticity. The fake page does not.
He expressed disappointment at whoever created the fake page, as the deejay is behind bars and does not need persons who have their freedom smearing his reputation.
“It’s so sad that people would want to take from a man that is behind bars. At least you have your freedom so please do something positive with your time so that you can leave a legacy for yourselves,” he said.

Sikka Rhymes also said that having heard of the scam, Vybz Kartel is not happy. He explained that the deejay would just like to focus on his appeal without this latest bout of cyber attack.
“‘Teacha’ has more important things to attend to. So these things are not welcomed at this time because a freedom we a pree. Even if the person who makes the fake page is a fan, thanks but no thanks,” he said.
This is not the first time the deejay’s name has been used to swindle money from unsuspecting persons on social media.
Back in 2013, news broke out that persons had been contacting people asking for cash contributions to offset the deejay’s lawyer fees.
Kartel’s team at the time also had to come out and set the record straight.
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