Observer senior reporter—

Jawara McIntosh aka Tosh 1
The Jamaican public was given an update on the progress being made by Peter Tosh’s son Jawara, more popularly known as Tosh 1, who was left in a coma for over a year after being beaten in a New Jersey jail, reportedly at the hands of a fellow inmate.

His sister Niambe told the audience at the Peter Tosh Music Festival held at the Pulse Centre in New Kingston last Saturday that her brother, who was released from hospital a year ago is still slowly making progress.
“I am always asked about my brother Tosh 1. He’s actually home (United States) with me and I take care of him. He still has a lot of healing to do still so I appreciate and know that Jamaica is praying hard for him. The prayers are definitely working so please continue to send out your prayers for him because he is definitely missing from the stage tonight, but I know his spirit is with us as the same time. so please continue to pray for my father’s youngest son,” she told fans of her father and his music.

Niambe McIntosh offered no updates on the civil rights lawsuit against the county and the jail for failing to protect Jawara while he was in custody, or what has come of the family’s call for a US Department of Justice investigation into the incident.
Tosh 1, who is 39 years old and the father of four children ranging in age from eight to 13 year old, was serving a six-month jail term in the Bergen County Jail in New Jersey on a ganja charge, was reportedly beaten unconscious by a fellow inmate in February of 2017.
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