Observer writer—-

SHUGA is urging women in troubled relationships to seek help and walk away at the first sign of a red flag.
Her comment comes following recent deaths of women as a result of domestic violence.
“We keep saying stop the violence against women and I totally agree, but women we need to love ourselves enough to not walk but run once we see the first sign, because it is only gonna get worse. I’ve been abused physically and verbally and I’m happy to be alive and able to encourage you to love yourself enough to live and watch your children grow,” she told the Jamaica Observer’s Splash.
The 2009 Digicel Rising Stars winner launched Femme Phenomenal on March 8 last year, which is observed as International Women’s Day. The organisation aims to encourage and inspire women who have been victims of abuse.
Since it’s inception, Femme Phenomenal has completed tours at Brimmer Vale High School in St Mary; Vauxhall High School in Kingston; and Cedric Titus High School in Trelawny.
Shuga (real name Mitsy Campbell) says she constantly receives messages from women in dire need of help but are afraid to come forward.
“She knows the boys and I tried to tell her that she needs to report them. Don’t give them the chance to do it to someone else. She’s afraid, even afraid of what her mother will say,” Shuga continued.

According to 2016 statistics from the Jamaica Constabulary Force, 473 women were raped between January 1 and December 24 that year.
Nearly 50 per cent of the cases involved children. Approximately 180 victims were under the age of 15. Some were younger than five years old.
Last week, there were two cases reported in the media about women being killed by their partners — one in Portmore; the other in St Elizabeth.
“I want women to know we deserve better and we can’t allow anybody to just walk in and walk over us and we just leave it like that. It shouldn’t have happened from day one but mi a guh seh dem days deh done!” Shuga exclaimed.

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