By Shereita Grizzle – Staff Reporter

Bounty Killer

Bounty Killer—

Over the years, Bounty Killer’s philanthropic efforts towards Jamaica’s most destitute has earned him the title of the ‘poor people’s governor’. Whenever there is a void as it relates to society’s most vulnerable, the deejay always finds a way to fill the gap. The coronavirus outbreak currently affecting the island is no different. With the pandemic bringing the needs of many Jamaicans to the fore, the deejay has decided to once again swoop in and offer assistance to those most in need.

On Wednesday night, the deejay used his Instagram platform to reveal that he would be handing out care packages to residents in his hometown community of Seaview Gardens, courtesy of his foundation.


Yesterday, the artiste and his team delivered bags stocked with food items to those in need. So great was that need, the deejay decided a part two to his giveback initiative would be necessary. The second round of relief packages will be handed out today.

In an interview with THE WEEKEND STAR, Bounty Killer shared that after learning lessons of kindness from his late mother, he has made it his duty to fill voids wherever they become evident.

“My mother taught me to always give back, especially in my community. I am looking out for the elderly and the homeless, but generally anyone that is in need, and where I can assist regardless of age or gender, I will,” he said, pointing out that with the current crisis the country is facing, the needs of many have been magnified. “I wasn’t surprised by how many people are in need. This crisis just happens to highlight it more.”

Items donted to KPH by Bounty Killer

Killer is no stranger to giving back. In February 2018, he handed more than 60 beds to the Kingston Public Hospital after learning of shortages.

Last year, as part of his annual Labor Day project, the deejay donated more than 80 tins of paint, two air-conditioning units, 20 cases of water and 10 cases of diapers to the hospital.

He told THE WEEKEND STAR that having risen above poverty, he understands the needs of persons from a lower socioeconomic background.

“I know what being poor is like and I will always stand by the less fortunate,” he said.
