Observer writer—

Female members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force lifting their voices in song

IN a time when, like the rest of the world, Jamaica is battling the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) has heightened efforts to serve and protect citizens.

The lawmen and women have gone the extra mile to reassure the country that comfort can be found in music.

On Sunday, the 304-year-old force held a virtual concert, dubbed ‘Stronger Together’, starring the JCF Band. The event, which also featured gospel singer Jermaine Edwards, saw hundreds of people tuning in to Instagram live, the Jamaica News Network, and PBC Jamaica.

Commissioner of Police Major General Antony Anderson, who was also present, noted that the initiative was timely.

“Our communications team came to us and said they wanted to do something for Jamaica, for Jamaicans, with a theme that said, ‘Strong Together’. Clearly, at this time, probably more than any other time, stronger together is a good theme to have as we band together as a nation to deal with COVID-19 as well as all the other matters that we deal with as a police force,” he said, during an interview.

Up to yesterday morning, Jamaica had recorded 364 cases of people testing positive for COVID-19, with seven fatalities.

Viewers were treated to selections from several genres. Sergeant Rosemarie Lee opened the show with a rendition of I Need Thee before moving into Chevelle Franklyn’s Radio Is Playing. Constable Shaneika Murray touched hearts with a cover of Michael Jackson’s Heal The World, before Constable Ezra Jenkins performed Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds.

As the evening progressed, covers of I’ve Got Sunshine, Keeping Me Alive, I’ve Got To Go Back Home, Lioness On The Rise, and Tide is High made the scoresheet.

Edwards soulfully closed the show with Beautiful Day and Hallelujah.

The concert was a hit on social media, as users were complimentary.

Hyacinth Wright wrote, “I enjoyed every minute.”

Natalie Clarke was also pleased with the production.

“Very entertaining. Police are human beings too, just doing a job keeping law and order. Look at the talent! [I] have more respect for the members of the police force. They have families too. Very good job officers,” she wrote.

Melody Smith lauded the JCF Band for their “excellent performances”.
