Lydia Rose—
JAMAICA Association of Composers, Authors and Publishers (JACAP) has rallied to support its members to alleviate the hardships brought on by the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
The support will be in the form of shopping vouchers, redeemable at select major supermarket chains and pharmacies across Jamaica.
“Many of our entertainers and industry personnel have had their potential earnings slashed or completely zeroed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For us at JACAP, this is just our little way of giving back to our members and saying thanks for the support over the years,” said Lydia Rose, JACAP’s general manager.

“In recognition of the fact that we have members who are seniors, with some of them being shut-ins, the JACAP board has also organised a schedule of ‘touching base and checking in’ phone calls, as a way of keeping in touch with these members, offering any support we can at this time,” she continued.
According to Rose, JACAP members will have to indicate their preferred supermarket or pharmacy to the office by e-mail or telephone, and vouchers will be available for pickup from these vendors.Efforts are also being made to organize distribution at other points across the island.
JACAP is a non-profit copyright collection society that collectively manages performing rights for musical works on behalf of its members who are composers, authors, and music publishers. JACAP collects licence fees from copyright music users and distribute the royalties that it collects to the music creators.Sponsored Links
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