KINGSTON, Jamaica — OBSERVER ONLINE presents for readers a breakdown of the 422 positive COVID-19 cases in Jamaica as at today (Thursday, April 30).
Number of cases – 422 – 26 new cases in the last 24 hours
Number of deaths – 8 – one additional, a 63-year-old female from St Catherine, who was a contact of a confirmed case.
Of the 26 new cases there are nine males and 17 females with ages ranging from eight months to 63 years. Three of the new cases are associated with the business process outsourcing entity, Alorica located in Portmore, St Catherine.
Six of the new cases are contacts of confirmed cases and one is an imported case with eight under investigation.
Of the 422 confirmed cases – 203 are employees of Alorica – with ages ranging from 18 to 53 years inclusive of 153 females and 50 males.
35 imported cases
9 are local transmissions not epidemiologically linked
125 are contacts of confirmed cases
253 cases are under investigation – 203 of the total cases under investigation are linked to Alorica.
259 (61%) of the confirmed cases are females and 163 (39%) are males; while the ages of all confirmed cases range from 2 months to 87 years.
4,439 samples have been tested with 3,997 negative results; 20 are pending.
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