Fire Ras

Dancehall selector Fire Ras recently made a philanthropic gesture in a number of communities in Portmore, St Catherine, when he purchased essential items to single mothers and senior citizens feeling the pinch caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Last week, the selector and his team handed out care packages to the less fortunate in depressed areas such as Newlands and neighboring communities.

“I used my personal funds from my earnings, and industry people like Shane Villa Records, MC Nuffy and Bashment Forever reached out to me and we raised $92,000. We used that money to buy groceries, toiletries and other essentials,” the popular selector, known for his work with Stone Love Movements, said.

“To see the state of the people, it really break mi heart: The sufferation is real. Mi really do this for the love of my people in my community and due to the COVID-19 situation which caused the recent lockdown in Portmore which in turn created a lot of hardship, especially [for] older people,” he said.

During the recent lockdown measures in St Catherine, there were widespread complaints about the two-day shopping restrictions that led to residents crowding retail outlets — ignoring physical distancing rules for COVID-19 — in the rush for essentials. The 17-day lockdown ended on May 1.

He was so moved that he has decided to start a charitable organisation: The Fyah Ras Foundation.

“Eventually, I want to assist the people in other parishes and not just my community because the poverty is real. This COVID-19 has pushed a lot of people who were barely hanging on over the edge. It’s really hard on some people right now and the Government cannot do everything,” he said.

Emboldened by the positive public response, he is planning another food drive in Portmore, even as the public health crisis caused by COVID-19 deepens.

“I have some more move I am going to make by Friday this week; I am getting the funds together. I will be back on the road again because people still are calling in. I never knew that so many people really, really out there stay a certain way, so I am just doing the best I can. As Jamaicans, we have to stand together, show unity, wear our masks and just be disciplined as we move forward,” he said.
