In a statement, the management said, it has become necessary to implement a range of internal measures to reduce expenses.

The RJRGLEANER Communications Group has laid off 93 workers and implemented salary cuts for others amid the economic impact of the coronavirus in Jamaica.

In a statement, the management said it has become necessary to implement a range of internal measures to reduce expenses.

It said while the entire group has been negatively impacted, the print operations have
been seriously affected both locally and overseas.

The company also said in the broadcast division, several programmes have been suspended even as a range of new COVID-19 related ones have been introduced in the areas of education, health and public affairs.

“The Group continues to make serious effort in providing strong support to
vulnerable groups in Jamaica at this time, even as we take tough measures
internally to re-align our business to survive the financial ravages of COVID-19,” said a spokesperson in the statement.
