THOUGH WE cry from the top of our lungs at the highest decibels our vocal cords can permit, saying desperately “we can’t breathe” for 400 years, it has been falling on ears that are impaired conveniently and comfortably preconditioned. In my opinion, the molecular structure of white people’s DNA has been trained to ignore our pain and interpret our cries as stimuli to perpetuate evil.
Instead of affirming to the oppressors of our people that they are accomplishing their barbaric atrocities with impunity, they blatantly interrupt our flow of oxygen. This has always been the nucleus of their warped manifesto. Let us deliberately unite and synchronize our strengths as one body, one voice, through organisation, education and re-education. It is profoundly critical to mobilize all people irrespective of their chronological age and ethnicity.
Reculture the oppressed, strategic planning and spirituality are necessary for substantive change to ensure that we capitalize and protect our God-given rights to have access to oxygen. We will continue to be mindful of others by acknowledging and respecting the rights of everyone else and not create venomous intentions that interfere with individuals and the system. We are determined that this ignorance must cease to exist as urgent as yesterday. Forgiveness is far greater than revenge and compassion far more powerful than anger.
We all must breathe.
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