By Hopeton Bucknor – STAR Writer

Barrington ‘Bounty’ Smith

Barrington ‘Bounty’ Smith—

Well known Montego Bay promoter Barrington ‘Bounty’ Smith, was gunned down by two armed men in broad daylight yesterday afternoon.

The brazen attack sent dozens of shoppers, vendors, and motorists scampering for their lives.

The Barnett Street police reported that shortly after 2 p.m., Smith was standing along lower Union Street with a group of friends when a motor car drove up, and two men armed with handguns alighted from the vehicle.

They fired a barrage of rounds hitting Smith multiple times to his upper body, before escaping in the waiting motor car.

The police were summoned to the location, and upon their arrival, they chased after the gunmen who managed to elude them.

One of Smith’s associates told THE STAR that he is still shocked that he managed to survive the hail of bullets.

“Is like wi stan up pon the ends and Bounty jus come off him phone, an a tell wi seh him gwan go round di road. Wen wi si the car pull up an di man dem jump out with dem gun, everybody start run,” the trembling man stated.


“Him (Bounty) did a try fi run but di boy dem a beat pure shot. Is like a movie wi inna, an everybody just a run fi save dem own life,” he said. He said Smith, who is from Red Dirt, in Flankers, was not a bad person.

“Wi know seh a little war a gwan a Flankers, and base on some a di thing what Bounty did a show wi, it look like a di same link it a come from,” he said.

One police investigator told THE STAR that lawmen had heard news of a turf war in Flankers.

“This has resulted in several shootings which have taken place over the past weeks. In relation to this latest shooting, we believe it is also connected to the flare-up in Flankers, but … the police are still carrying out investigations,” the cop said.
