Carl Prezident

Connecticut-based singer Carl Prezident and the Makka band, who made a strong showing with the lovers rock song Excess Amount, follow-up with a single that has an entirely different tone.
The Children addresses the sensitive issue of gun access in the United States, based on tragic incidents at Sandy Hook Elementary and Stoneman Douglas High schools.
According to Carl Prezident, “It seems even good people in America are obsessed with guns.”
The Jamaican artist wrote and produced The Children for his CSI 1924 Productions label.

In December, 2012, 26 persons including 20 children were killed by a gunman at Sandy Hook in Newton, Connecticut, just 45 miles from the city of Hartford where Carl Prezident has lived for 20 years.
Then, in February, 2018, 17 persons were killed at Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Florida. In both cases, the shooter had psychological problems.
Carl Prezident was at work on the day of the Sandy Hook massacre. He remembers it having a “profound effect” on him.
“When you look at how young the youths were, it was shocking the level of murder,” said the father of four children.

Makka, a five-piece band, has collaborated with Carl Prezident for almost 20 years. The Children is the second song from Rise, their third album expected for release this summer.
Excess Amount entered the Foundation Radio Network Top 30 Reggae Chart in May. That tally covers the New York reggae scene.
Born George Swaby in rural St. Elizabeth parish, southern Jamaica, Carl Prezident began recording during the 1980’s while living in Kingston.
He and Makka joined forces shortly after he settled in the US. In addition to recording, they have toured parts of New England and Florida.
