Fear of a New World Order assuming control of mankind has been a longtime fear. With Big Tech companies becoming increasingly dominant, singer Tony Roots has sounded the alarm with Digi Human.
Released in October by his Ras Guerilla label, the song warns of the threat posed by companies and politicians becoming slaves to the microchip.

“I was awoken one morning by an inner voice and the lyrics just presented themselves, and I began to write. To elaborate further, I guess the consciousness, gathered or summarized some of today’s events, and related it to Biblical prophesies of what is being fulfilled and what may be expected futuristically,” said Tony Roots.
Digi Human was recorded with The Firehouse Crew, the veteran band who were house musicians for producer Philip “Fatis” Burrell’s Xterminator label during its heyday of the 1990’s.
Tony Roots, who is from Manchester in central Jamaica, has been recording since the late 1980’s. He lived in the United Kingdom for many years, cutting several well-received albums for Charm Records, a subsidiary of Jet Star Records.

He is currently based in Florida.
Digi Human is one of two songs he did with the Firehouse Crew. The other is the powerful I Can’t Breathe (with Luciano and Turbulence) which recalls the horrific death of African-American George Floyd in May.
According to Tony Roots, Floyd’s death at the knee of of white police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota was painful.
“Disgusted. Sheer evil. There are not enough words to describe another racially-motivated, unjust homicide in this 21st century in the USA. I Can’t Breathe is a musical collaboration to be released expressing some viewpoints on racial injustice,” he explained.
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