For a second straight week, Ed Robinson’s cover of Deep River Woman, a song originally done by Lionel Richie, is number one on the South Florida Reggae Chart. It is produced by guitarist Wayne Armond of Chalice, who first heard Robinson perform the song many years ago on the Jamaica hotel circuit.” When I first set eyes on Ed Robinson he was the drummer in a band Jackie Jackson (bassist for The Maytals) had in Montego Bay. When I walked into the room, I heard him playing drums and singing this song and I said, ‘wow, this guy’s voice is impressive’. The two musicians never met until years later in Florida when they performed on a show.

Armond made it his duty to approach Robinson, who had established himself as a singer since they last met, and had been signed to MCA Records in the 1990’s. At the Florida gig, they struck up a conversation.” I recalled the first time I saw him and the song he was singing and it made such an impression on me,” Armond related.

Robinson had never recorded Deep River Woman, so Armond made a track for him to make it official. “I sent it to him and he sang it beautifully, and as luck would have it we got a number one in South Florida which I guess is a step in the right direction,” he said. Deep River Woman is from Richie’s platinum-selling album, Dancing on The Ceiling, released in 1986. The song, a R&B and country hit in the United States, remains popular in Jamaica.
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