KINGSTON, Jamaica—
Despite his recent anti-vaccine rants drawing the ire of members of the public, Grammy-winning reggae star, Buju Banton, has been receiving commendations for his recent donation of two horses to the Maroons of the Cockpit Country.

In an Instagram post on Saturday, Maroon Chief, Richard Currie, lauded Banton for providing the “two beautiful horses” on behalf of the Government for the State of the Cockpit Country.
The horses, according to Currie, will “aid officials to venture across Maroon territories and also to be used for community tours”.
In August, National Security Minister, Dr Horace Chang, in a media interview, had angered the Maroons when he claimed that to his knowledge there was “no such things as Maroon land”.
The minister’s comments came on the heels of a controversial anti-narcotics raid that was carried out by the police in a section of the Cockpit Country.

Currie later responded to Chang and rebuked the statement he made, insisting that the Maroons were sovereign people.
Meanwhile, the Maroon Chief on Saturday shared that more horses will be acquired in the near future.
“@bujubanton your continued support and generosity in this critical time will be remembered and spoken about by the unborn. Much love to the legend,” said Currie.
Likewise, several people flooded the Instagram post with commendations to the reggae icon.
“What a beautiful gesture. The ancestors are smiling upon us,” wrote Instagrammer, andreegirlz.
Teachrmom commented, “Joining hands and working together for a better tomorrow.”

In the meantime, Currie highlighted that the Maroon State “continues its growth and progress toward upward and social mobility”.
“With the assistance of the righteous and generous people who hold a certain resolve to see our people, our culture, and our lands become prosperous, we are confident that our State will meet the target and accomplish every goal we set,” he stated.
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