KINGSTON, Jamaica –
Recording artiste Davianah, the daughter of reggae star Tony Rebel, filed a report at the Constant Spring Police Station on Friday about her alleged abuse.
“It was a very professional experience this time, and I must applaud the JCF (Jamaica Constabulary Force) on how professional, victim-centered and smooth the process was this time; my trauma was not trivialized. I just wanted to feel that the system worked for someone like me. I really want to break out of this cycle of abuse, and this is the first step in that direction,” she told OBSERVER ONLINE.
A female officer took her statement.

Over the last weekend, a video was posted of the emerging artiste wearing a bloody T-shirt. The camera panned down to show numerous drops of blood on the floor. She captioned the scene with an ominous “ready to go”, triggering rumors that the video was a failed suicide attempt, and a jarring cry for help.
“I’m just sick of being abused, mentally and physically, I’m tired. I have to be brave and strong and positive all the time & I’m just tired. Am just here for people to use and abuse because if that’s my role in life, I definitely don’t want it anymore. I had enough and am just ready to go now. I’m ready!!!” she wrote

The post sent shockwaves to her fans on Sunday who were worried that the video reflected a suicide attempt. However, the video was reportedly one of a previous attack that took place five months ago during which her nose was broken. It triggered online discussions of Davianah’s controversial personal life which has often overshadowed her music.
The artiste should be releasing her five-track Bad One EP under her eponymous label any time soon.
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