KINGSTON, Jamaica –
Law enforcers say they will be looking to crack down on businesses found in breach of the Noise Abatement Act. Commissioner of Police, Major General Antony Anderson, says with the recent lifting of the COVID-19 restrictions, the issue has become a cause for concern, particularly in the entertainment sector.
“There are instances where the music is played in a loud manner beyond what is acceptable. That creates a disturbance to others, and in these instances, the police will be enforcing the law,” Anderson said. The Commissioner was speaking at the monthly JCF digital press briefing on Tuesday. He expressed that while the police understood that people need to do business, the latter must not be at the expense of others.

“We are of the view that everyone can coexist if the music is maintained at a level that does not create a great disturbance and conforms to the provisions of the Act.”
Section 3, sub-section 1 of the Noise Abatement Act stipulates that no person should operate any sound-amplification device in public or private at any time of day or night so that the sound is audible beyond 100 meters from the source of the sound.
In the meantime, the top cop shared that as the police continue to roll out campaigns to curb crime, Operation Paradise will be mimicked islandwide. The latter was launched in St James last month in an effort to restore public order to the second city.
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