Michelle Simpson was last seen in the vicinity of Ken’s Wildflower in Portmore, St Catherine.

Michelle Simpson’s loved ones are at their wits end.

On November 6, the 47-year-old Jamaican-born woman grabbed her passport in her New York home and took a flight to her country of birth.

However, within four days of arriving in the island, Simpson went missing. The woman gave her place of abode as Bridgeport, St Catherine where her relatives reside.

She was last seen in the vicinity of Ken’s Wildflower in Portmore, according to relatives.

Her relatives report that she suffers from mental health issues and is at serious risk.

“She did not take her medication before she left the US and we are afraid for her. Please help us find back Michelle,” a concerned family member pleaded with OBSERVER ONLINE.

A missing person report was filed with the Greater Portmore Police, the family said.

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Michelle Simpson is being asked to contact her dad Winston Simpson at 876-489-1330, the Constant Spring police at 876-949-8422, 119 Police Emergency or the nearest police station.
