Jamaica Diaspora Crime Intervention
and Prevention Task Force

Dear Madam Ambassador:
I write to you in my capacity as Chairman of the Jamaica Diaspora Crime Intervention & Prevention task
force and on behalf of concerned Jamaicans living in Jamaica and the diaspora.
The purpose of this missive is to express the community’s grave concerns about issues in Jamaica,
including but not limited to:
• the increasing state of public corruption;
• the high level of violent crime;
• the failure to provide promised service delivery;
• unfulfilled promises to the diaspora regarding its involvement in the political process; and
• the legal defense that diaspora members do not have “standing” to sue the government.
Noteworthy is that the aforementioned and other concerns have led to a clamor for a call to action.
Therefore, I wish to inform you, and by extension the Jamaican Government, that the diaspora will
engage Jamaica’s international partners to seek redress of our grievances. These international partners
will include donor countries and organizations, and Congressional/Parliamentary committees.
Additionally, the community has endeavoured to legally and peacefully conduct protests at Jamaican
Government official establishments in the U.S., U.K., and Canada and garner international media
Regretfully, the Jamaican Government has forced the diaspora, its largest source of foreign exchange, to
take these unprecedented actions in the best interest of Jamaica and its people – at home and abroad.
Dr. Rupert A. Francis, Capt.. (Ret., JDF)
Task Force Lead
(909) 994-2490 (cell)
Email: diasporaj7@gmail.com
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