By Maria Jackson—

With his latest single, Maybe – released in early March via HeavyBeat Records – now trending, I reached out to KashieF Lindo, the beloved vocalist who was born, lived, and nurtured in an environment dedicated to the creation of music, to learn more about the song’s inspiration. See our full conversation below.
MJ27: Before we get to the current single, Maybe, can you talk about what inspires you musically? Because I’m not sure a lot of people know how involved you are in the overall creative process behind the scenes.
KashieF Lindo: I grew up in music and around the studio, around musicians, and always around my father. Music is instilled in me, so I just work with the vibe.
MJ27: What has it been like having the musical guidance and mentorship of Willie Lindo at your fingertips?
KashieF Lindo: I do not know anything else. I did my first album at the age of 12, titled Push for Your Goal, and I have played instruments from a young age, being around my dad means everything to me.
MJ27: I gather that outside of music you are also very involved in sports, basketball in particular. How do you balance those two passions, music and sports?
KashieF Lindo: Basketball is my recreation sport of choice. I like to play and watch.
MJ27: Ok let’s get into Maybe. It was written by both you and Willie. Can you break down how exactly did that writing process go? For example, did you come up with the hook and he the verse, or did you both put everything together line by line?
KashieF Lindo: We were just jammin together and started humming a melody then the lyrics started to flow, and the rest is history.
MJ27: In the music video for Maybe you performed each scene with such intensity, I am sure many people are wondering if the words in the song are inspired by a real life events?
KashieF Lindo: Indirect experience but the video is a work of art.
MJ27: I could be wrong but I get the impression – based on your social media posts – that you are pushing this record more than you normally do with your other releases. Am I reading that right, and if so, can you explain why you’ve decided to be more forceful with Maybe’s promotion?
KashieF Lindo: Not necessary, but maybe it is the buzz the song is generating.
MJ27: It is clear that in the short time since it’s been out, Maybe has been getting a lot of rotation on both traditional and social medias. How are you feeling about the way it is being received?
KashieF Lindo: I am very pleased with the response and hope it continues.
MJ27: Is there anything in particular about this song that you want the public to know?
KashieF Lindo: The message in the music.
MJ27: Before we conclude, I have to ask about your vocal prowess. Over the years you have been able to maintain and even strengthen that beautiful high pitch singing style we’ve become accustomed to. What’s your secret?
KashieF Lindo: Fortunately, I got the talent and the right training.
MJ27: Is there anything that you would like to highlight that I did not ask about?
KashieF Lindo: We pretty much covered it. I am comfortable with all your questions as you are a highly professional person.
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