Sophia Brown & Turbulence

 As reggae singer, philanthropist, and published author Sophia Brown puts it, she’s always been an advocate for positivity.

The entertainer told Observer Online that she prides herself on using her talents for good and to her that means producing songs that make people feel good about themselves. To that end, the singer solicited the help of Turbulence to curate her latest single, Look.

An ode to her personal mantra, ‘words are power’, the entertainer said the single is one that focuses on empowerment. According to Brown, today’s society can be a very uncaring and ugly place where people spew hate instead of love and light and she simply wanted to be a vessel for the latter.

Brown said with the message she was hoping to bring across in the song, there was only one entertainer she could think of that would fit the track perfectly. She told Observer Online that with Turbulence’s track record having been filled with songs that embody love, purity and messages of upliftment, a collaboration would be magical.

“Having Turbulence on the track with his positive vibrations helped me highlight the message even more. He was literally the perfect person for this song. I mean, when I thought about having someone to collaborate on this track, his musical energy immediately came to mind,” she said. “I sent the track to him to see if he would like it and the rest as they say was history. His work ethic is impeccable. I have to give him that. The way he mastered the emotions needed to make this song resonate with listeners, I was in awe.”

The single, which was produced by Brown on her MusicMecka Records label and distributed by Zojak Worldwide, was released across all digital platforms on Friday.
