Ambelique, one of Jamaica’s musical gems, has joined forces with legendary reggae producer Willie Lindo for the absolutely enchanting new album titled “Blind Spot.” This is a 14-track record with no collaborative features that went live on streaming platforms on Friday, November 15.
“Blind Spot” starts with three minutes and thirty-one seconds of Ambelique expressing gratitude to the Most High. From there he goes into his signature style, lovers rock, and throughout the entire record he remains on that path, only deviating on tracks #4, “Wash Over Gold Watch,” and #7, “I Wouldn’t Change A Thing.” On the former, he lashes out against the commonly accepted 9-5 work routine, while on the latter, he recounts his life’s journey.
This album, though produced by Willie Lindo, has contributions by an all-star cast of musicians and vocalists. The late, great Robbie Shakespeare played bass guitar, while his other half, Sly Dunbar, joined KashieF Lindo on the drum programming. The actual drums were played by Paul Douglas; keyboards, organ, piano, synth, and additional bass lines were done by Robbie Lyn and KashieF Lindo; and Jamaica’s king of sax, Dean Fraser, added the saxophone. It should be noted that Dave Richards also contributed on the piano and keyboard, while Willie Lindo and Hux Brown delivered on the guitar. Finally, backing vocals were added by Ambelique, Pam Hall, Nikesha Lindo, and Shavanique.
“Blind Spot” is now available on Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, Tidal, iTunes, etc., and it’s on Willie Lindo‘s HeavyBeat Records label.

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