Rocky Dawuni, the renowned Ghanaian musician and social activist, is available for bookings across North America in 2025. With his unique fusion of Reggae, Afrobeat, Soul, and World music, Dawuni has become a force in global music, delivering performances that are as energetic as they are inspiring.

From headlining festivals like Envision in Costa Rica to the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland, Rocky Dawuni has captivated audiences worldwide with his high-energy performances and powerful messages of unity, love and social change. His fusion of rhythmic reggae beats with African and Caribbean influences has earned him four Grammy® Award nominations and a passionate international fanbase.


Dawuni’s most recent single, Rise,” with the stunning accompanying video is nominated this year for “Best Global Music Performance.” It features infectious grooves and socially conscious lyrics. The track, produced by Nabeyin (Travis Scott) and Roahn Firstborn Hylton (Nicky Minaj) is setting a new exciting course for Rocky’s signature “Afro Roots” sound. “Rise” is distributed by Tuff Gong International who will also be releasing his next exciting single and 9th studio album.
