By Howard Campbell--- For a time during the early 1990s, Richie Stephens and Garnet Silk were neighbors in the hills of St. Andrew Parish, Jamaica. They saw each other regularly
By Howard Campbell/Observer Writer--- Zion In A Vision event continues to celebrate legacy 30 years after artiste’s death A reluctant star of the roots-reggae renaissance of the early 1990s, Garnet
By Will Howard/Far Out Magazine--- Keith Richards once said of his Rolling stones bandmate/life partner/rival Mick Jagger that “He’s rock, I’m roll.” One never wants to doubt the wisdom of a man
By Howard Campbell--- Richie Stephens Whether he is performing in South Florida, or just chilling there with family and friends, Richie Stephens considers the region “my home away from home.”
By Annah Nanjala Wekesa/The Kenya Times--- Reggae Artist Etana. Photo/ Etana IG Jamaican reggae artist Etana was forced to cancel her show in Kenya on Saturday, December 7, after it
By K'Shema Francis-Pitt/IrieFM--- Lieutenant Stitchie’s wife, Sophia Laing, is expressing gratitude after the Jamaican government pledged to assist with the gospel singer’s medical expenses. The announcement was made during Richie
Hopeton Lindo As an upcoming singer in the 1980s, Hopeton Lindo was known for hopping from dance to dance performing on sound systems. As it approached year end, the