Naomi Cowan (left) with mom Carlene Davis —

Singer Carlene Davis and her daughter Naomi Cowan pulled off a rare feat last week when they made the influential Foundation Radio Network Chart in New York City. Davis moved from number four to two with Pray For You , which features Marion Hall, while Naomi makes the table for the first time with Paradise Plum, which entered at number 10.

Rita & Stephen Marley
Rita & Stephen Marley

Clinton Lindsay, who has compiled the chart for 40 years, said artistes and their children have made his list before, but not a mother and daughter. The first time it was done came in 1990 with Who Colt The Game by Rita Marley and Stephen Marley; 18 years later, Jimmy Riley and Tarrus Riley entered with Pull Up Selector.

Jimmy & Tarrus Riley
Jimmy & Tarrus Riley

Pray For You is from Davis’s new album, which is scheduled for release this year. Paradise Plum was co-written by Cowan and Sarah Couch, daughter of singer Suzanne Couch who died in July.

Paradise Plum is part of the nine-track Plum mixtape of the same name.
